Acts 2:42-47
Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
1 Peter 1:3-9
John 20:19-31
It’s the time of year when we
start to see all the First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion pictures
popping up on social media sites and the events happening in our community. The
little girls come in their cute dresses and some even decked in veils, the boys
with their best suits on, all looking nice for their big day. As a priest, I
particularly love the reconciliation part because it’s like being stoned to
death by popcorn – seven year olds aren’t usually horrible sinners. Maybe
they’re just holding back, but I doubt it. My experience of First
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion were very different. Because my family
left when I was little to attend the Methodist Church in our home town, I
didn’t have the true Sacraments of the Church, so when we returned I had to
start from scratch as an 11 year old. At 12 I celebrate First Reconciliation
and remember it rather clearly. You know how the ‘Examination of Conscience’
sheets often break down the 10 Commandments? I walked in, sat down in the
chair, looked at the priest and said, “I got all 10!” At age 12 the sins I
spoke weren’t popcorn style because I had learned how to sin well and often.
The bigger problem was that I didn’t even care because I had no belief in God,
no faith, no anything that made me think that maybe I should be worried about
the things I’d done in my life to that point. I didn’t get the seriousness of
This weekend Mother Church
invites us to pause and realize the full implication of the message of Divine
Mercy. Did you hear the opening Collect of Mass? We prayed for the grace, “that
all may grasp and rightly understand in what font they have been washed, by
whose Spirit they have been reborn, by whose Blood they have been redeemed.” We
need to understand the message of Mercy and that begins by understanding the
reality of sin.
To simply say, “I have sinned” or
“I broke one of the Commandments” or even “I hurt God” doesn’t always hit home.
It can seem a bit vague or lacking in consequence. But to say bluntly “I
deserve to go to Hell”… well, that’s a different story. The truth is that
because we are sinners, because we break the Commandments and offend the Lord,
we do deserve Hell - or maybe we could put it a bit more nicely since it’s
Easter and say we don’t deserve Heaven. Either way that’s the reality and it’s
true for all of humanity. Not even the Blessed Mother herself deserved Heaven
apart from God! Let that soak in. It was because God preserved her from sin and
He cleanses us from it and we are able to enter into the Kingdom prepared for
the Righteous. And when we realize that, when we realize that we deserve Hell
but are given the gift of Heaven, then we really understand Divine Mercy. I
didn’t understand the value of Mercy at my first Confession, but I understand
it today more than I ever have and I hope that understanding deepens as the
years go along.

Blessed be the God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave ME a new birth to a living
hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance
that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for ME, who by
the power of God are safeguarded through faith, to a salvation that is ready to
be revealed in the final time.
In the midst of so much
celebration in the Church, let us implore our Lord to help us know the reality and consequences of our sinfulness that we might indeed come to understand the true power and
value of the gift of Mercy that He shows to us today and, filled with joy,
share that with the whole world.
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