Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25
Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
John 18:1-19:42
September 11, 2001 was a Tuesday.
I’ll always remember that random fact because it was also the day that one of
my favorite bands’ new album was to be released. I didn’t have time to get it
before school that morning so I decided to go right after getting home from
school. When I got home my mom was watching the news update on the attacks and
she said, “Brent, come sit down and watch this with me.” I told her I would but
first I had to run to the store to buy a CD. She said a bit more forcefully,
“Brent, come sit down.” “Mom, I’m just gonna run to the store I’ll be back in
like 15 minutes,” I replied and walked out the door. I knew the story of what
was happening, but I didn’t grasp the full implications of it.
Today Mother Church says to each
of us ‘Come sit down and watch this with me’ as we hear again the story of the
Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus. The story we come to hear is far more
significant than that of September 11 because it has consequences for every
person throughout all time and even into eternity. Many fail to take the time
to stop and listen, but if we do come and sit with our mother we are able to
deepen our understanding of those events that took place 2000 years ago and yet
take place again today. We learn our story – the story of the Cross.
The story of the Cross is a story
of apparent contradictions. This shouldn’t surprise us since the whole life of
Jesus is characterized by such. A God who takes on human flesh, a king born in
a stable, one possessing riches unending is born poor and homeless, the
Almighty God is helpless in the arms of His mother. Those are just a few of the
images that come to mind, but if we look at the Passion of the Lord these
images increase in frequency and intensity. The faithful Bridegroom of the
Church is betrayed with a kiss. He who frees us from slavery to sin and death
is bound in chains. The King of all creation is crowned with thorns. The Word
of God stands silent before His accusers. The Innocent Lamb is made sin for us
and sacrificed. He whose hands healed the blind is blindfolded and slapped in
the face. He who wrapped the heavens in clouds is wrapped in the purple cloak
of mockery. He who made man from the dust is pressed into that dust under the
weight of the Cross. He who is adorned with every virtue is stripped of
everything He owns. He who hung the earth and the skies in their order is hung
upon a tree. He who came to heal our wounded hearts allows His to be pierced.
He who is the Giver of Eternal Life gives up His Spirit and submits to death.
This is a stumbling block to the
Jews, St. Paul tells us, and foolishness to the Gentiles. But to we who believe
and are being saved, Christ: The Power of God and the Wisdom of God!
The Cross permits us to make
sense of this life and understand our own story. The apparent contradictions
above are signs that things are not always as they seem. The devil likes to
make us think otherwise. He always calls to mind the half-truths in the story
of our life. Think back on the trial account of Jesus. We heard all sorts of
testimony against Jesus, false and true, but where were the positive accounts
of the things done by the Lord? Who recounted the feeding of the 5000, the
healing of countless blind, mute, lame, and dead? Where was that part story?
When only half of the story is told, terrible things happen. Likewise with
Are your sins not great ones,
only venial?
Come to the Cross and behold the
price for even the smallest sin.
Are your sins great ones?
Come to the Cross and see that
there is nothing that God will not forgive.
Have you wounded others by your
Come to the Cross and see what
that sin does to others.
Have you been wounded by others
Come and be healed by the wounds
of Jesus.
Is your faith strong?
Come to the Cross and see how quickly
it can become weak without Him.
Is your faith weak?
Come to the Cross and see how
quickly He can make it strong.
Do you gossiped about others,
uttered harsh words or made false judgments?
Come to the Cross and see the
power of words.
Have you been gossiped about,
spoken to harshly or judged?
Come to the Cross and see the One
whose judgment alone matters.
Do you feel loved by others?
Come to the Cross and see the
extent that we are called to show love.
Do you feel unloved?
Come to the Cross and see the
extent of God’s love for you.
In just a moment we will have the
Veneration of the Cross, when we will have the chance to come forward,
genuflect or bow before a splinter of the True Cross that Jesus died on, and
allow the Lord to help you hear the rest of the story. We all know most of the
story of the Lord and of ourselves. But let us pause in this moment to really
take the time to rest with our mother and see if there is more yet to be said. Come
to the Cross of Jesus. Come and meet the Lord once more. Come, let us adore.
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