Friday, October 28, 2011

Consecration Time!

During my first year of seminary, in the fall of 2004, I was asked by one of my best friends if I would like to join in 'the consecration'. I said sure and was given a booklet to follow along - 'Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis Marie de Montfort'. St. Louis' method is mainly to consecrate oneself to Our Lord through the hands of Our Lady; one can read his book True Devotion to understand more deeply this theology. The consecration booklet was comprised of 33 lessons leading up to the day of consecration. After making my way through the preparation period, I decided to continue with the consecration and have renewed that consecration each year (excepting one) on that same date - December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Each year as November comes into view, so too does my 'Total Consecration' book, now held together by duct tape with the pages discolored from regular use. As I begin this year's round of 33 days of preparation prior to the consecration, I want to invite you to join with me. The booklet can be found HERE and a website that contains an older version of the lessons and prayers is available HERE. To conclude on December 8, one must begin on November 5. The consecration can be done any day, but it is nice to have such a solemn feast on which to celebrate one's consecration. If you do join in the preparation and consecration, maybe we could have a special gathering on December 8 to do the consecration as a group? Might be cool :)

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