Micah 5:1-4
Psalm 80
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45
In the past three weeks we’ve
looked at preparing for the Lord’s coming by singing and lifting up our hearts,
seeking reconciliation with God and others, and by giving of the gifts we’ve
received. As we celebrate this last weekend of Advent, the way of preparation I
invite you to join me in is reflecting on how we respond when He comes to us
here at Mass. It’s been said that each Mass is like a mini-Christmas, with the
Christ coming in flesh and blood her on the altar, surrounded by swaddling
altar cloths and receiving the song of the angels as on the night of His birth.
The Gospel is the continuation of
the story of the Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell
her the plan of God and her place in it. Some have said that Mary goes out in
haste to Elizabeth’s house because she’s afraid of what Gabriel revealed to
her, but that doesn’t sound like the Blessed Mother who joins her Son in
crushing the head of Satan. Instead of hastening in fear, she does so filled
with a heart of charity. Having given her ‘yes’ to the Lord through the angel,
she conceived the Lord God in her womb and having contact with Christ, she is
compelled by charity to reach out to her cousin Elizabeth, who will most
certainly be in need of assistance. Upon her arrival, St. John the Baptist
leaps in the womb of Elizabeth and the proclamation of the Savior begins. St.
Elizabeth, being filled with the Holy Spirit, cries out in a loud voice
praising God and acknowledging Mary as the mother of her Lord. What strikes me
is that each of these three people encounters Christ and responds immediately
with some physical response – hastening to the countryside, leaping in the
womb, crying out in praise. So how do we respond?
Before we look at how we respond,
let’s look at how we prepare. The Church invites us to prepare for Holy
Communion in specific ways. First is to be able to fast for one hour before
receiving Holy Communion (this includes gum!). Some of you may remember a time
when you were prohibited from eating or drinking anything other than water
after midnight. The point of that was to have a little bit of hunger in the
stomach to remind us that we ought to hunger for Christ above all things and
that he alone is the one who can satisfy the longings of our hearts. The current
practice of a one hour fast doesn’t give us the hunger pangs in our stomach,
but it can provide us the chance to simply be mindful about preparing ourselves
to receive Our Lord. A second thing the Church invites us to do in preparing
for Holy Communion is ensuring that we’re in a state of grace. If we are in a
state of mortal sin (from having intentionally skipped Sunday Mass or some
other serious sin), then the Church advises us not to receive Holy Communion
because we have separated ourselves from the Lord by sin and so what is done in
our body (Communion) is not the reality in our soul (separation). Being in
these two states, the Church further advises (but doesn’t mandate) that we
spend some time actually preparing our mind and heart for the encounter with
Jesus Christ by observing silence, spending some moments in prayer, and
entering into the prayer of the Mass.
The preparation leads to the
encounter itself: the joy of receiving Holy Communion. Prior to the 1970’s Holy
Communion was received kneeling and on the tongue exclusively. Since then the
practice has become rather widespread to receive standing and in the hand.
Interestingly, the Church never said we should change the posture of receiving
Holy Communion and still sees reception standing and in the hand as a
permission in certain conditions, but not a universal norm. The reason is
because the Most Blessed Sacrament is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of
Jesus Christ our God and we are invited to acknowledge such in our actions,
much like Mary, John & Elizabeth. Kneeling to receive Holy Communion forces
one to be humbled before the Lord and experience it as a unique moment. When
else do we kneel down in the course of our daily life to celebrate the arrival
of a particular person? Never. Not only that, but the reception on the tongue
also has spiritual and practical implications. The spiritual aspect is that in
simply opening our mouth to receive the Host, we acknowledge that it is the
Lord who feeds us our daily bread – including the Eucharist – and increases our
trust in Him. We can call to mind the words of Psalm 81 when the Lord says to
us “Open your mouth and I will feed you.” Practically, it helps to reverence
the Blessed Sacrament. Some of you may have noticed that after consecrating the
Sacred Host I keep my thumb and forefinger together for the rest of the prayers
until the vessels are purified. This is because I know that the bread for the
hosts isn’t entirely crumb-free, but that there are small pieces of the Blessed
Sacrament on my hands and I don’t want them to be lost in the book, on the
altar, the floor, my microphone or any other place. My invitation to you is
that if you do choose to receive Holy Communion in the hand, then be mindful of
what you’re doing. Bow before you come forward to receive, but then after
receiving, look at your hand to see if any small pieces remain. The Council of
Trent in the 1500’s clearly stated that if a particle of the Consecrated Host
can be seen, it contains the fullness of Divine Life. So…please, look at your
hands. Notice if there is even the smallest of pieces and consume it rather
than letting it fall to who-knows-where. If we held the Infant Lord in our
hands, we would reverence Him with great care and love. Why not honor the
Eucharist the same?
And after encountering our
Lord…we ask ourselves ‘what should we do?’ like the people last weekend. We
should pause for a moment and speak the Lord. In the silence of our heart we
respond to the fact that our Lord is not an impersonal Lord but a person who
desires to speak and be spoken to. In the encounter we speak the desires and
needs of our hearts, we lift up praise like Elizabeth for the good things He’s
done. Then having conversed with Our Lord we then go out and share the good news
of the God who love us.
So how do we prepare for the
coming of the Lord? Celebrate Him well each week and draw nearer to Him each
day. What better way to honor ‘God with us’.
Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Source of
Eternal Life. Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
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