1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28
Psalm 128
1 John 3:1-2, 21-24
Luke 2:41-52
Christmas! Here I make my annual encouragement to keep those Christmas
decorations up as we have only just begun the Christmas season. We have another
two weeks of reflecting on the profound implications of the Incarnation of the
Son of God. Today Mother Church celebrates the feast of Holy Family and invites
us to reflection upon the mystery that the Son not only took on our humanity in
flesh and blood, but that He even grew up in the midst of a family to be like
us in all things but sin.
Gospel we just heard about the finding of the Lord at the Temple is one of
those that can be something of a sigh of relief for us all, and particularly
for parents. We know that the Holy Family – the incarnate Son of God, the
sinless ever Virgin Mary, and the pure and holy St. Joseph – is a model for
families to look to and imitate, but I’ve heard from several people that they
struggle with that model because it seems, well…perfect. The passage we just
heard helps us to realize that while Jesus, Mary, & Joseph were sinless,
that doesn’t mean that they were perfect. Sinless, but not perfect. I’m sure
there were many nights when little baby Jesus didn’t sleep straight through the
night (especially with that little drummer boy parumpapumpuming outside the
door) and Mary and Joseph struggled to tend to His needs. I’m sure there were
times when they were at their wits end trying to raise their son and discern
what was best for Him. I bet that Mary and Joseph on at least a few occasions
had little disagreements themselves that might have strained things a little
bit. These and more remind us that thought they were sinless, they weren’t
Friday I was taking part in the annual tradition that my family often observes
on Christmas Day of watching the movie A Christmas Story, the story of little
Ralphie and his own experience of imperfect family life. As I sat there
watching it I began to tie that experience with the story of the Holy Family
and three things came to my mind and heart.
first thing that struck me was ‘The Scott Farkus Incident’ when Ralphie beats
up the bully that had been chasing he and his friends around the whole movie. As
he was on top of the boy punching him relentlessly, a string of obscenities
came out of his mouth that he didn’t foresee, intend, or have any ability to
stop. The interesting thing about that is that it was exactly what his father
would do at various points throughout the movie – sputtering and muttering a
string of (more growls than actual words) obscenities. His father was an
example that he followed to the ‘t’, although the example wasn’t really a good
one. In contrast we have the Holy Family in the Gospel going up to offer the
festival sacrifice in Jerusalem. They fact is that they, too, were setting an
example. It was Jesus custom that only the father of the family had to go to
Jerusalem to offer the sacrifice on behalf of the family, but St. Luke tells us
that they all three were going up and that it was their normal custom to do so.
Mary and Joseph were not only fulfilling obligations but were going above and
beyond them, travelling together to celebrate their faith and to honor the Lord
God. They were setting the example quite clearly for Jesus that ‘this is our
faith and we are proud to profess it’ (as our baptismal rites remark). They set the example and we can be sure that
the child Jesus had learned the implications of it over the years.
second things that struck me about the movie was when Ralphie went to help his
dad change the car tire. What caught my ear was his response when his mom
suggested that he go help: “Never had it even been suggested that I help my
father with anything.” And as he hopped out of the car to help you could see
the delight on his face and the enthusiasm in his voice. I know for myself that
I can easily miss the immense good that can come from inviting others to do
things along with us. Whether it’s children, grandchildren, godchildren,
nieces, nephews, someone else’s kids, or even our peers or elders, there is a
great gift in asking others to help with things. I can remember countless times
where I was asked to help fix something or paint something at my house, knowing
full well that my parents would have to go back and re-do it and clean up the
mess I’d made trying to do it the first time. The bigger picture is that when
we invite others to join with us, we honor their dignity and show them that
they are loved and wanted. St. Joseph showed that same things to Jesus in this
journey. It was custom also in the Jewish world that boys would become men in
the eyes of the law at the age of 13 and would begin making journeys to the
Temple soon themselves and so the fathers would begin to take them along when
they were 11 or 12 to get used to the trip and introduce them to their faith.
St. Joseph was essentially bringing Jesus along not only because Mary was
coming but also to help him transition to manhood. I wonder what conversations
were had. Did he teach him about the paths to take or places to stop along the
way? Did they discuss the prayers that are prayed and what sacrifices are done
and how? Did he explain why these things were done to begin with and help the
boy to grasp the honor he was giving God? Surely the boy Jesus knew these and
many other things, but it was at the invitation of Joseph that He began to be
truly a son of the Father under the Law. How often do we do the same in our own
last point that this passage and the movie highlighted were that it is okay not
to be perfect. When God took on flesh He did so not in a way that was sanitary
and clean, away from our sinfulness and messiness. He was born in a place where
there was no home to stay in and laid in a manger, a feeding trough for the
animals. He came not to avoid the messiness of life but to walk with us in it and
to sanctify us by it. We may not be sinless like the Holy Family, but we are
called to do our best in the midst of the messiness that is this life. We are
called to holiness not separated from our daily life, but in the course of it.
And this the Holy Family teaches us. Jesus misunderstood, Mary and Joseph were
frustrated and anxious. But at the end, they went home and all continue to grow
in God’s grace and favor. May the Holy Family watch over us always and help us
to be holy families to shine for others.