Mass Readings for Sunday, October 12/28th Sunday in Ordinary Time:
Isaiah 25:6-10
Psalm 23:1-6
Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20
Matthew 22:1-14
Heaven. We all want to go there.
Most of us probably don’t want to go just yet, though I think we ought to be
prepared, what with Mississippi State being #1 in the country and the end of
the world likely soon to follow! But seriously, we all want to know what Heaven
is like. Most often we take those things about which we are most passionate and
put them on a grand scale. If we like cotton candy, Heaven is a whole world of
cotton candy where we can eat it all day and never get a stomachache. If we
like cars, Heaven is a car show where we can drive anything before our
eyes. If we like clothes, Heaven
is a closet bigger than any mall we’ve ever stepped foot in. But the reality is so so much more that
we cannot even conceive of it, and yet the Lord in His mercy gives us some
clues to help us at least think about it.
From Isaiah the prophet we hear
that intriguing description: “On this
mountain the Lord of Hosts will provide for all people a feast of rich food and
choice wines; juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines. On this mountain He will
destroy the veil that veils all people.” Heaven is like a great banquet. We
shouldn’t be surprised by this, after all, since the Lord is often found
sitting at table or sharing meals with others and a banquet is that place where
joy is found in abundance, the senses are overwhelmed by food, drink, music,
and dancing, and the person is able to know and be known by others. The thing,
though, is that the feast of heaven isn’t just a normal feast – it’s a wedding
The image of a wedding feast
resonates greatly with me right now, as I celebrated weddings Friday night and
Saturday afternoon. Those occasions were beautiful and filled with a palpable
joy. The build-up and preparations that go into a wedding bring great excitement
to the heart of those who take part and when the day finally arrives, you can
almost grab handfuls of joy right out of the air. The radiant couple makes
their vows to one another and exit the Church to applause, cheers, and great
fanfare, proceeding to the party where time seems unimportant. Most people
aren’t looking at their watch all through the reception afterward. Rather,
they’re enjoying the good food, watching the ceremonial first dances, listening
to the music, and visiting with family and friends. It’s a situation in which
hours can easily pass without thinking about it because of the richness of the
celebration. It’s fitting that such an image would be used to help us
contemplate Heaven. But in order to really grasp the meaning of this imagery we
have to ask ourselves three very important questions: Who is the Bridegroom?
Who is the Bride? Where is the feast?
First, who is the Bridegroom?
Well, of course, it’s God. All throughout the Scriptures we hear the Lord God
described analogously as a spouse to the people of Israel. The prophets are
loaded with these references, but another place we can look for great insight
is the book of Song of Songs. This Old Testament book might seem a bit racy to
some, but it is a poetic text that richly describes the love between a man and
woman, symbolically between God and humanity. The New Testament picks up on
this strong marital imagery in the person of Jesus, who we hear described by
St. John the Baptist as the bridegroom and by St. Paul as spouse of the Church.
The passionate love of the God, the Divine Bridegroom, is made manifest most
clearly in the self-emptying love of the Crucifixion, where Christ died that to
make His bride perfect, free from the bondage of sin.
We’ve answered the second
question already – the Bride is the Church, it’s us! Though sinful individuals,
the Catholic Church as a whole is that spotless, perfect bride that Christ
Jesus came to join to Himself for all eternity. Interestingly, in Jesus’ day,
it was part of the ceremony to have the bride undergo a washing with water
before the wedding celebration (it’s always good to take a bath before your
wedding, right?) and we see this lived out still. St. John the Baptist
symbolically washes the Bride of the Lord Jesus in his baptisms of repentance
and even today we become members of the Church only through the washing of
water in Baptism. How great is the joy of the Heart of Jesus to see us spotless
before Him waiting for us to say yes to His invitation to go to the marriage
feast. So that leaves us at the final question: what is the feast?

Believe it or not, ladies and
gentleman, you’re already there. The feast is happening right here in the
celebration of the Mass. A couple of weeks back I spent time with the 1st,
2nd & 3rd grade students for CCD and went over the
one thing I know best: the Mass. I brought them all over here and as we all
walked up the front steps one boy looked up and said, “Wow! It’s like climbing
a mountain!” The other students laughed a little and the adults just smiled at
how imaginative he was, but I stopped him and said, “You are absolutely right
and it was built to make us think that.” Have you ever noticed that most
churches have step to get up into them? And that sanctuaries and altars are
also elevated? It’s not just to be able to see better. “On this mountain the Lord of Hosts will provide for all people a feast
of rich food and choice wines.” On this mountain, right here (pointing to
the altar), the Lord of Hosts feeds us with food the likes of which we could never
have conceived to ask – His own flesh and blood. Here our Beloved comes to us
to give us Himself and seeks to have us respond in an exchange of love. Here is
where we the bride come to meet our Bridegroom and for a brief moment, the veil
that veils all things is lifted.
You’ve likely noticed that when I
celebrate Mass, I have placed over the chalice a cloth that matches my
vestments. It’s called a chalice veil and I use it to remind myself and each of
you of two realities. First, that we are the bride.
The veil is nice and decorative, but the attention to detail
that I give to it is not just me being picky in the liturgy. It’s because of
the simple fact that nobody wants to see a bride walk down the aisle looking
sloppy. I spend those extra moments preparing the chalice veil just right to
highlight the attention we need to have for ourselves as we come to meet the
Lord. The wedding garment that Christ wants to see on us is that of virtue,
holiness; the perfect bride prepared for the perfect Bridegroom. And the second
reason I use the veil is because in that moment, we enter into the heavenly
banquet, where the veil is lifted. The ultimate veil that veils all things is
death, after which we will (hopefully!) be able to see God face to face. But
for now, we come and have the veil lifted in a small way to He calls us all to
Himself, literally coming forward to meet Him down the aisle. He comes and
repeats those blessed words from Revelation 3, “
Behold, I stand at the door and
knock” as He knocks at the door of our heart and stands there waiting for the
answer to one simple question: Will you marry Me?
Reading Suggestions:
Jesus the Bridegroom by Dr. Brant Pitre
This Tremendous Lover by Fr. Eugene Boylan