Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46
Psalm 32:1-1, 5, 11
1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Mark 1:40-45
One day in seminary our
sacramental theology professor simply asked us the question, “Which sacrament
is most important?” and off we went each debating the importance of the
sacraments and essentially playing a highly theological game of
paper-rock-scissors, as each point was able to be trumped by another. In the end the point of the exercise was to recognize that
each sacrament of the Church really is ‘the most important sacrament’ in
regards to some specific situation or theological truth.
A couple of weeks ago I preached
about the priesthood and the weight that it can sometimes carry for those who
exercise such a ministry. In practical terms, this often comes out as the
community looking to the priest as having the more difficult vocation and
‘taking one for the team’ by not getting married and serving the Church. While
this latter view is clearly a poor understanding of the priesthood, it seems to
me in many respects that the former assertion is also false. Why so? Because
while I may be obliged to a higher level of holiness because of my ordination, at
the end of the day I return to a rectory wherein I can leave my stuff where I
feel like it, I can wash the dishes or just leave them in the sink, I can
squeeze the toothpaste tube wherever I want, etc. In short, priestly life is
intense when in the community but in the rectory I am left to myself and able
to maintain a life according to my preferences and not be concerned about
others’ conflicting with mine. A married person does not have that luxury but
necessary interacts with another person – and in a family, multiple people –
who challenge some of those preferences and provides the raw material of
growing in holiness, namely the opportunity to serve others rather than self.
When I asked several ladies at my
previous parish assignment the secret to a good marriage they quickly responded
‘separate sinks, separate closets, and a lot of love’. This gets to that
reality that marriage necessarily involves some challenges to the personal
space and preferences, but even more, it confirmed what every single one of us
knows about relationships: that love must necessarily be present for it to
In the scriptures we just heard
proclaimed we hear about the life of lepers. To be a leper was bad enough just
from the illness itself, but this was intensified by the isolation that
accompanied the illness. In the Jewish context, to be a leper made one unclean.
To be unclean wasn’t that one was a sinner, so much as they were unable to
enter into worship at the Temple. To be unclean was also a restriction in
interacting with others because if an ‘unclean person’ touched a ‘clean person’
then they were both unclean. For this reason, and for health reasons with the
leprosy, the lepers were made to keep their bodies visible for others to see
the illness and stay free from them. Additionally, they had to shout ‘Unclean!
Unclean!’ as they walked around so that others might stay clear of them. And if that weren’t bad enough, they
were made to dwell outside the camp away from the community. Imagine the
intense isolation that one felt in such
a situation; separated from family, friends, the larger community, and
even your God! The human person simply cannot take such isolation. It’s written
in our hearts to love and give love to others. Remember the movie Castaway with
Tom Hanks. What happens when he finds himself stranded alone on an island? He
finds a volleyball, makes a face on it and give it a name all in an attempt to
have an ‘other’ with which to interact. That’s why the leper in the gospel
responds the way that he does. Some might be shocked that he disobeyed the
command of Jesus not to tell anyone but, honestly, I would be shocked if he
hadn’t gone to tell everyone. Imagine the joy of being able to go tell everyone
what God had done when before he hadn’t even been able to interact with others.
Again, the need to be in
relationship with others is written in our hearts and the God Who put it there
knows that need and created the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony as a way to fulfill
it for those called to the vocation. I say vocation because it is indeed a
calling from God. Often when we hear ‘vocations’ we think only of priesthood
and religious life, but the Church has always held marriage as a sacred
vocation and the basic cell of the Church and the world. It is only by holy marriages
that the faith is passed from generation to generation, as the family is the
place in which faith is first learned, later deepened, and later personalized
in the vocations of the youth. This all happens to the extent that the family
resembles the Blessed Trinity. You thought the burden was heavy for me simply
to try to live up to being Christ Jesus in the midst of a community, but the
family is called to image in a similar way the Trinity itself – Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit – in your complete gift of self and outpouring of love for the
other. The family, founded on a holy marriage, is a place in which the world
should look and find the face of the Triune God. Married people: do you feel
the weight of that?
All of that is the reason the
Church calls people to marriage not on the beach, the mountains or the nice
plantation home, but at the altar of God. It is recognizing that God joins the
couple together and it is God alone who can sustain them. Just as the man in
the Gospel was able to enter once more into relationship with the community by
the healing of Jesus, so too Jesus works in a miraculous way to unite two souls
together in Holy Matrimony and sustains them in His love and grace so as to be
that image of love for the world despite the trials, temptations, and
sufferings that come with the natural course of life. This weekend we honor
those who are celebrating special anniversaries this year in recognition of
their fidelity to each other and the Lord, to set them as models for younger
couples to look to for encouragement and wisdom, and to honor the God who has
held them in His embrace since their wedding day. May the Lord continue to
watch over them and all married couples, strengthening their love for each
other, blessing them in their families, and training them in holiness so as to
spend eternity together beholding the face of our God.
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