Readings for Sunday, February 3/ 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time:
Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19
Psalm 71:1-6, 15-17
1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
Luke 4:21-30
As I was praying with the
readings for this weekend and reflecting on the various feasts that we are
celebrating in the coming weeks, one thought kept coming back over and over:
God always wins. No matter how bad a situation might be, no matter where we find
ourselves, God always wins. And He is inviting us to join in that victory.
We see it first in the prophet
Jeremiah, whose calling is recounted in our first reading. Jeremiah who was
formed in the womb of his mother by the Lord and destined to be a great prophet
of the Lord is called forth by God to become that prophet he was created to be.
He must certainly have had some reluctance in his heart because to be a prophet
meant speaking the truth to a people who didn’t want to hear it, which often
resulted in violence, as we see in the Gospel. But Jeremiah was given the great
commission by the Lord to speak that truth and call the straying people back to
the Lord. To encourage him in this, the Lord gives a most consoling message.
“Be not crushed on their account,” says the Lord, “as though I would leave you
crushed before them; for it is I this day who have made you a fortified city…
They will fight against you but will not prevail over you, for I am with you to
deliver you.” What a message of hope! The Lord tells Jeremiah that he will
endure suffering and persecution – he will be crushed – but that he will not
leave him in that state, but rather will raise him up to glory once more. The
Lord will deliver him; the Lord will win the battle. He is always victorious.
The psalm today calls us, like
Jeremiah, to turn to the Lord and make him truly our rock of refuge, our
stronghold, our strength. If we remain in the Lord and His love, then we have
much cause for hope and no reason to fear – the Lord will deliver us the same
as He did with Jeremiah and the other prophets.
St. Paul in his poetic writing on
that greatest of gifts, love, speaks of the many attributes of love – that it
is patient, kind, not jealous, and so on. But most importantly, he notes that
love bears all things, love endures all things, and love never ends. If we
connect St. Paul with St. John, whose letter tells us that God is love, then we
can also make the connect that God bears all things, God bears all things, and
God never fails. He always reigns victorious.
Then we come to the highpoint of
the readings in the Gospel. Today Jesus is seen in His own hometown, where one
should expect Him to receive a warm welcome and indeed He does, at least to
start with. The people are amazed at His gracious words and sit in awe of what
He speaks, but not because they are filled with faith but rather because they
are anticipating some great healings to come. They think, because they are
Jesus’ hometown, that while other places had great miracles worked in them,
they surely would receive an even great outpouring of healings. When they are
informed of the opposite, when the Lord identifies their lack of faith and
charity, they are led to fury and rage, whereupon they seek to cast the Lord
off the cliff to His death. Here is where the Lord shows once again His power.
This whole mob of people are entirely focused on the Lord, consumed with rage
to the point of murder and yet somehow the Lord “passed through the midst of
them and went away.” You would think with all of those people focusing only on
Him that someone would have noticed and tried to stop Him, and maybe they did,
but the end result is simply that the Lord passed through the midst and left.
God won. Christ knew He was to die on a hill, but not on that one, so He
pressed forward toward fulfillment of His mission. These are just a few of the
many stories in the scriptures that show over and again the power of God and
the fact that He is always victorious and will never be outdone. The beautiful
thing is that as Catholics we not only have the scriptures to encourage us but
we also have the lives of the saints, of those many men and women over the
years whose lives have shown us the power of God and given us a blueprint to
work from in shaping our own lives after the Gospel call.
One powerful example is that of
St. Paul Miki and his companions, whose feast we will celebrate this coming
Wednesday. St. Paul isn’t one of the more notable saints like St. Therese or
St. Francis and the like, but his story is a helpful one for us today. In the
1500’s St. Ignatius of Loyola, one of the founders of the Jesuits, went to the
Orient to spread the Gospel, making his way to the Philippines and Japan. The
conversions were coming thousands at a time. The priests had almost no time to
sleep, eat or pray for the number of baptism, weddings, and Masses they were
celebrating for the people. This great increase in converts to the faith began
to cause some tension and fears in the hearts of the Japanese leaders, who were
still practicing their Buddhist faith. At one point, a man accused the
missionaries of bringing artillery in to begin war against the Japanese
government. The accusation was entirely false but it was enough to begin greater
persecution of the Church. Twenty-six people, including several priests,
religious brothers, lay men, and even children, were taken and marched a
thousand miles across the country before being put to death. Along the journey
the persecutors would stop in towns where the faith had spread and would
torture the twenty-six by beating them, cutting off their ears, and various
other manners of abuse as a sign that following the faith would earn them that
fate. But at each town, St. Paul Miki, one of the twenty-six would pray for
the people, forgive his persecutors, and unite himself to the Lord in his
suffering. This went along for over a month before they arrived at their final
destination, the hill at Nagasaki. There all of them were
crucified and pierced with lances, the same as our Lord. St. Paul, himself a
religious brother, with his last words forgave the Emperor who incited the
persecution, forgave his torturers, and prayed that by his death they would
experience conversion, seek baptism and find salvation through Jesus Christ. These men and children were not the only ones killed. As many as 50,000
others were killed during that time of persecution. Additionally, all foreign
missionaries were sent back to their home countries. For nearly three hundred
years this opposition to the Christian faith was present in Japan. So when in
the 1800’s Catholic missionaries returned to Japan they expected to find
nothing of the faith, having to start from scratch. But as they settled in the
towns and cities and got to know the people, they came to find that the faith
had survived three hundred years with no priests, catechists or the sacraments.
Indeed, it survived and had continued to grow quietly by God’s grace and
through the witness of so many Catholics since the days of St. Paul Miki and
his companions’ deaths. The government leaders thought that they had won the
battle in the hearts of the people, but it was God who had truly won.
Every single one of us has trials
in this life. It might be something happening in our family. It could be a
particular sin we are fighting against or a past that haunts us. It could be a situation
in our community, state, country or the whole world that causes some unrest
within us. The devil wants to use those things to sow in us seeds of doubt,
fear, and despair. But the truth is that Christ has already won the battle and
that while we might have to endure some suffering for a time, the Lord will
deliver us if we but place ourselves in His loving care. So let us pray for
that grace today, that by receiving the Sacrament of God’s Real Presence we
might be emboldened with great hope in our God and continue to look forward to
sharing in the spoils of our victory at the heavenly feast and in doing so give
witness to the world around us that our God is faithful and will never fail us.
A shrine to the 26 Martyrs of Japan on the Hill at Nagasaki |