Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-49
Psalm 33
Matthew 28:16-20
At the seminary we had an entire
course on the Most Blessed Trinity and the manner in which we learned our
information was quite often by way of critiquing various writings on the topic
throughout the centuries. Toward the end of the semester our professor split us
into groups and gave each group a separate paper to critique and respond to. So
our group went to work. Wanting to flex our theological muscles, we tore the
paper to pieces. We highlighted all sorts of things that were just poorly
worded, needed extra explanation, or seemed downright heretical about the
Blessed Trinity. When it came time to present our responses, we got up and
talked about what a rough paper it was and that the grade we figured it
deserved was a C if not a D. When we were done our professor calmly looked at
us and said, “I wrote that paper.”
This weekend we celebrate Trinity
Sunday, when homilists throughout the world are called to the often-difficult
task of preaching about the Blessed Trinity. The problem is that the Trinity is
revealed to us as One God, yet three Persons. We could spend years reading,
reflecting, and praying on this mystery but it will never fully make sense to
us. That’s why the temptation arises to simply shrug our shoulders, say ‘it’s a
mystery!’ and move one to a topic that suits us better. But this is exactly the
opposite of what God desires of us. The Scriptures we just heard proclaimed
speak powerfully of the fact that God has revealed Himself to us, inviting us
to come to know and love Him here in this life and to be joined eternally to Him
in the next.
In Deuteronomy, Moses asks the
people to think back throughout the ages and see if there ever was a God so
close to a people as the Lord God had become with them, whether they had known
anyone who spoke with God and lived, whether God had walked with a particular
people, and even revealed to them His Most Holy Name. God had begun to walk
with them in order to restore what was lost by Adam and Eve, namely, union with
God. It’s not enough to simply walk with God. As we hear in the Letter to the
Romans, we are to become children of God and heirs with Christ Jesus to the
kingdom of Heaven! God wants to bring us into Himself and it begins here and
now. But how? By talking to Him – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The other day I came into the
Church to prepare for this homily and I brought with me a journal with my
reflections, three books of commentaries on the various scripture passages,
three textbooks on Trinitarian Theology, and a notepad to write on. After sitting
for a good 40 minutes in front the Blessed Sacrament, which I had exposed for
Adoration, I looked up and just said, ‘Lord, what am I supposed to say?’ In the
silence I felt a response saying, ‘I love you.’ I closed the book, sat there
before my God, and began to talk to Him.
There are so many wonderful
things in the world around us that are designed to lead us to know God and to
interact with Him, but unfortunately we sometimes remain focused on the thing
rather than the Lord who used it as a way of catching our attention and drawing
it to Him. Concretely, I want everyone to pay attention to one particular word
this week: WOW. On my way from the rectory to the church to hear confessions I
saw a huge black cloud back behind the cemetery and just then a huge lightning
bolt struck and lit up the sky. It stopped me in my tracks and I said, “WOW!”
in response. The ‘wow’ happen in the course of our days and I believe it to be
a way in which the Lord uses something extraordinary to catch our attention and
highligh something in particular. What I invite you to do is when you say ‘wow’
this week, stop and talk about it with the Lord. Ask why it struck you. Talk to
Him about other events like it. Talk to the Father as a child telling stories
from their day at school. As a sibling to the Lord Jesus who walked and
experienced many of the same moments. And to the Holy Spirit who permits us to
not only see the moments but to understand them in union with our Creator. As
we do this we can enter deeper and deeper into the loving Heart of our God,
knowing Him not by memorized formulas but by a relationship of love.
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